What is Project Umoja Doing?

Project Umoja began with one purpose in mind: to help improving provision of health care in Nyamuswa and surrounding villages. Many people are suffering and sometimes dying due to lack of appropriate care caused by lack of equipments and tools which help doctors diagnose patients and start treating them on time. Also lack of transportation from rural areas to a health facility is a big problem. We are working to help the health center get equipments and tools they need and a way to transport patients to where they can get care.

Project Umoja also is working to promote public health among people in the village by encouraging hygiene, change behaviour like the importance of building permanent toilets, boiling drinking, going to the health center when they feel ill rather than waiting until it is too late. This is important to decrease transmission of infectious diseases especially in the rain season. We are also promoting vaccinations and birth control, all these is to improve public health.

Project Umoja is also providing nutritional education to pregnant women in the village especially the use of iron tablets and folic acid during pregancy. It is hard to get prenatal vitamins with DHA for many pregnant women in the village. We encourage training of midwives in the village and plan to sponsor their continue education whenever possible.

Project Umoja is working to increase supply of clean drinking water in the village by digging new wells and also educating the puplic the importance of protecting the available sources of water. We know that availability of clean water will improve sanitation and hence decreasing the rate of infectious diseases like diarrhea and cholera.

Project Umoja will achieve doing all these by help from people who are willing to volunteer their time or by donations. Your help is always be appreciated, THANK YOU.

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